Simple, flexible, compatible & modern.

A self-hosted analytics and recalculation platform. A PI ACE replacement and feature-rich alternative.

Trial gSharp free for 45 days + 1 day of free engineering to get you started.

“The stock answer is ‘Use Asset Analytics’ but in the real-world such an answer is frustrating because there are several instances where Asset Analytics is the poor or insufficient choice…”
"There are still 3 key areas where ACE beats Analytics: flow control and looping; integration with third party libraries; and better control over output timestamps”

Everything you need in a modern calculation engine

PI systems integration

Connect with PI AF and Data Archive. A smooth transition from PI ACE to modern, sustainable analytics.

Analytics automation

Automate calculations and processes, reducing manual effort and minimising errors in data management.

Scalable solutions

Meet growing datasets with customisable templates and workflows tailored to your unique business needs.

Future-ready design

Build on a flexible and future-proof framework that ensures long-term viability and adapts to evolving technology.

Preserve and transform your PI ACE modules

As long as the source code is available, it can be easily recompiled into a fully-supportable gSharp calculation.

Why businesses use gSharp

"gSharp provides a fully functional programming environment in the same way as ACE used to. It was easy to move ACE calculations to gSharp. We tested the product directly against our ACE modules and found they agreed exactly to the results from ACE. It provides test bed capabilities, the ability to easily control when a module runs and recalculation facilities. I would recommend this product to anyone requiring a robust programming environment to replace ACE for their PI system data."
Patrice Taylor
Specialist Process Information

Answering the PI community's call for advanced calculations

With the release of gSharp, the concept of programmable asset analytics is reborn.

Trial gSharp free for 45 days

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